AbstractWe describe the process to perform software tests.
In an enterprise that produces a product line, even if they all
have the same goal, they may differ with regard to its
development platform, programming language, layer
architecture or communication strategies. The process allows
standardizing, coordinating and controlling the test execution for
all workgroups, no matter their individual characteristics. We
present roles, phases, activities and artifacts to address the
centralization, reusing and publication of the test scripts and the
results of their execution. Additionally, it involves the
virtualization for creating test environments, defining steps for
its management and publication. Also is presented a tool that
supports the process and allow the unattended execution of test
components. Finally, we describe two pilot projects
demonstrating the applicability of the proposed solution.
Index TermsSoftware test process, testing tools, unattended
test execution, virtual laboratories.
ESTING is one of the key activities regarding software
quality assurance and quality control. The testing phase
should be properly planned and organized in order to prevent
errors from manifesting in production and cause undesirable
behavior, while minimizing the time and effort employed [1],
[2]. Pressman argues that the strategy to test software must
provide a map that describes the steps to be taken as part of
the test plan, must indicate when they are planned and when
these steps will be performed, as well as how much effort,
time and resources will be consumed [1]. Several institutions
are engaged in the definition of models for software quality
[3], [4]. Besides, standards to fulfill the testing process have
been designed, for example: IEEE 1008-87 Standard for
Software Unit Testing, IEEE 1012-98 Standard for Software
Verification and Validation and IEEE 829-98 Standard for
Software test Documentation. At the same time,
methodologies and processes have been proposed [1], [2], [5],
describing activities, roles, and artifacts related to conduct
tests within the software development phases.
Manuscript received on February 25, 2013; accepted for publication on
May 3, 2013; final version received on June 19, 2014.
Emma Torres Orue, Jorge Lodos Vigil, and Ezequiel Sevillano Fernández
are with Segurmatica, Centro Habana, Zanja 651, Havana, Cuba (e-mail:
emma@segurmatica.com, lodos@segurmatica.com, ezequiel@segurmatica.
Marta D. Delgado Dapena is with the Informatics Studies and Systems
Center in the Polytechnic Institute “José Antonio Echevarría,” Marianao, 114
Ave. 11909, Havana, Cuba (e-mail: marta@ceis.cujae.edu.cu).
Software product line engineering has received much
attention for its potential in the reuse of artifacts throughout
the project life cycle [6], [7], [8]. Similarly to the artifacts
designed during the implementation, testing artifacts have the
same opportunity of being reusable taking into account the
similarities identified in the product line [8], [9]. There are
some studies related to the generation of test cases and
building test scripts from the definition of similarities and
variations within a production line [10], [11]. However, scarce
references have been found related to the standardization of
the execution of the different test components that can be
generated in an organization that develops product line.
The automating of the execution of test components is an
advantageous aspect in the validation of the elements in a
production line [8], [9], [11]. It is suggested by [8] that
automation allows artifacts to be tested immediately after
being generated and integrated into the system. There are
dissimilar solutions to automate generation and execution of
test scripts [12], [13], [14], [15]. On the other hand, there are
tools to achieve unattended execution of components, from
Process for Unattended Execution
of Test Components
Emma Torres Orue, Martha D. Delgado Dapena, Jorge Lodos Vigil, and Ezequiel Sevillano Fernandez
Fig. 1. UML Activity diagram of the phase Test Component Generation.
5 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044; pp. 5–15
models, coding scripts languages or test managers with
friendly user interfaces [16], [17], [18], [19]. However, these
solutions are designed to run scripts generated by specific
testing tools. This could implicate the use of different
applications for unattended test execution in order to perform
all the tests in a product line.
Due to the importance of using large and diverse test
environments in order to validate the artifacts in a product
line, it has been decided to incorporate the use of virtual
machines to facilitate the creation and maintenance of testing
laboratories. The integration between virtual laboratory
systems [20], [21] and testing tools [17], [18], [22] allows
testing applications on virtual machines based on defined test
cases. These solutions make possible to record and play back
the test runs, as well as to store the results and record
conditions that expose the errors for a follow-up. IBM
Rational Quality Manager [2] and TestComplete [22] are
proprietary solutions offered by the software companies IBM
Rational Software and SmartBear respectively. The limitation
of Rational’s tool is that the test scripts can only be generated
by products sold by the company [2], [17]. Furthermore,
TestComplete is designed only for machines with Windows
operating systems.
This paper describes a process to guide the unattended test
execution in real and virtual laboratories. It also shows the
characteristics of a tool that enables the execution of scripts
Fig. 2. UML Activity diagram of the phase Test Environment Creation.
6Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Emma Torres Orue, Martha D. Delgado Dapena, Jorge Lodos Vigil, Ezequiel Sevillano Fernandez
generated by any application, either directly or through a
wrapper component. The article presents in the first section
the phases and roles involved in the process. The second
section shows the automation of the process described using
the tool designed to support it. After that, two pilot projects
conducted to validate the proposed solution are presented.
The process consists of three phases: Test Component
Generation, Test Environment Creation and Test Execution
and Collecting Results. The inputs are the system modules
under test, the system requirements and the associated unit
tests. The outputs of the process constitute a knowledge base
that stores all the information related to the test runs. Fig. 1
shows a diagram with inputs and outputs of the process. This
process is divided in iterations repeated frequently and each
one starts from the addition of new modules or modifications
to the system in development.
The set of roles in the process includes conventional roles
in the stage of software testing such as the Test Manager, the
Tester and the Auditor. It also introduces the Expert and
Administrator roles. The first one is responsible for making
and publishing reusable artifacts for other specialists such as
templates, operating systems and software. The second one
manages and assigns the computers for developers and test
managers, as needed.
A. Phase I: Test Component Generation
The test manager is the one that develops the Component
Test artifact. This artifact is a test script generated by a
program that automates the validation of one or more
functionalities of a system module in different environments.
The selected tool must ensure that the script execution results
provide as much information as possible. This condition will
help discover the source of error in case of failures. Finally,
the created component is stored on a server that contains a
repository for this artifact. The Fig. 1 displays the activity
diagram of this phase.
B. Phase II: Test Environment Creation
The test environment creation involves the Administrator,
the Expert and the Test Manager. Fig. 2 shows how the Test
Manager prepares test environments based on real machines,
assigned by the Administrator, and also based on previously
created virtual machine templates and compiled software by
the Expert. The testing machines, real or virtual, will have the
basic requirements of hardware and software ensuring a
successful test run. They must also guarantee the
preconditions for the test execution; such as published data,
configuration files, among others. Finally, the version of the
system under test with its related test components is installed.
Both, the templates and virtual machines created, should be
stored and published on the server.
C. Phase III: Test Execution and Collecting Results
In the previous phase, the new versions of the software with
their associated test components are incorporated. At this
stage the associated test components must be run and the
results stored. It is recommended to perform this task
automatically and unattended, since this would allow the
specialist to save time and effort. The results of execution will
be stored centrally and will remain public for all specialists
involved in the project. Fig. 3 illustrates the activity diagram
of this phase.
Fig. 3. UML Activity diagram of the phase Test Execution and Collecting
During the implementation of the process, artifacts that
record information from the test components, as well as the
machine, time and physical path of where they are running,
are created. Additionally, the results contain data regarding to
the start date, context parameters and user who initiates the
process. In Fig. 4 it is shown a class diagram, depicting as
entities the repositories obtained during the process.
Quality is a multilayer system developed by the .NET
platform. Fig. 5 illustrates the relationship among the system
modules. Through a web interface the test components
information and its schedules can be recorded. The tool allows
defining test suites by grouping test components, which may
run simultaneously or sequentially. The Server Web Service
provides the functionality to manipulate test labs in real and
virtual environments. The Web Interface and the Server Web
7 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Process for Unattended Execution of Test Components
Service obtain and send data to the database through the
library that models the business entities.
During the stage of Test Execution and Collecting Results,
the Server Web Service determines the real execution
machine, and it communicates with the Client Web Service
installed on that computer to indicate it to run the test
component. According to the configuration, the Client Web
Service executes the test script located in a storage device of
the real machine or in a virtual machine allocated on it. The
scheduled execution is managed by the SQL Agent [23]. The
following describes the steps of the process automated with
the Quality tool.
The phase Test Components Generation is performed with
the help of tools available on the market to automate the
execution of tests [2], [15], [16], [18], [19]. Communication
libraries have been designed to create test scripts that interact
with the Quality tool for storing the results and events
generated from the runs. It also includes the insertion of the
output parameters, which specifies whether the execution was
successful or not. In case of error detection, the outputs should
reflect the causes.
To handle test components generated by tools that do not
allow direct use of the communication library, a wrapper
executor has been created. This binary is a test component
that’s able to run another test script and store the outputs in
the Quality System database through the communication
library. The input parameters of the wrapper are the test script
parameters and the path where the test component is located.
Finally, the Test Manager stores the test scripts created in a
server repository and inserts into the Quality system interface
the scripts names, parameters and locations on the server, as
can be seen in Fig. 6.
The first task to start Test Environment Creation is
performed by the Administrator. He must introduce in the
Quality tool the name, operating system and software installed
on the physical computers equipped for test execution, as well
as the Test Managers who can operate with them. The Expert
records information about operating systems, software and
virtual machine templates available for create test
environments. The Test Manager stores the data of its virtual
machines and distributes them to the real machines assigned
to it by the Administrator. Fig. 7 captures the data from a real
machine and the list of its virtual machines.
During the last stage, test components are organized in test
suits to be executed in a particular order. The Test Manager
indicates for each script, the test machine (virtual or real) that
will execute it. Next, the system makes a copy of the
component from the server to the test machine. Components
within a test suite may be performed sequentially or
simultaneously in one or more test machines. The suite of
tests is called Quality Control Process (QCP), and its
configuration can be seen in Fig. 8.
Fig. 4. UML Class Diagram with related entities in the process for running tests unattended.
8Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Emma Torres Orue, Martha D. Delgado Dapena, Jorge Lodos Vigil, Ezequiel Sevillano Fernandez
The input parameters value of the test components can vary
for the same test suite, as well as the execution schedules. The
definition of these terms is called Instance of the Quality
Control Process. This concept allows that one defined test
suite can be executed at different times and under different
conditions determined by the values of the parameters and the
configured test environment. At this point, the required data
for a test suite execution is recorded. The Instance of the
Quality Control Process can be executed from the web
interface by user demand, or on a scheduled date and time.
The Auditor can get the results and events related to every
execution of test suite from the Quality web interface.
Additionally, during the configuration of the Quality Control
Process, Test Managers can identify email addresses to send
reports about test execution. These reports can be sent at
beginning and/or ending of the execution of a test suite and/or
a single test script; likewise if a system error is detected.
The designed process was applied to carry out the
unattended execution in two pilot projects in a software
development company. Those software projects present
differences regarding technology, programming language,
architecture and team size, demonstrating the applicability of
the proposal in various development environments. Results
from this experiment demonstrate the improvements that the
given solution provides to the test process in the selected areas
of the software company.
A. Pilot Project 1
The first pilot project works on a library implemented in
C++ native language by a single developer. It is a
multiplatform class library designed to extract files from
diverse compression formats. Associated with this, there is a
test project that contains more than 50 unit tests by format,
which were created using the Boost library [24]. These tests
validate all the library features. This project was developed
and verified prior to the conception of the proposed solution.
The developer ran the test project resulting binary in his
workstation whenever he wanted to validate it. The library
belongs to a system in production at the stations of the
company's customers. The process phases performed on the
library are explained below.
During the first phase a test script is created using the
wrapper provided by the Quality tool. This way, the wrapper
execution makes a run on the tests contained in the test project
binary and its results are stored in the Quality database. The
test input parameter of this component is the relative path
where the test project binary is located on the running
machine. Later a directory that contains the wrapper and the
binary is created on the server. Finally the test component
data created is saved in the Quality web interface.
The test environment for the library consists of a real
machine. In such a machine Framework .NET 2.0 and IIS 5.1
were installed. Also the tool web service for client machines
was published. Subsequently the information related to the
test station is stored. The development test environment took a
few hours, however this is done only the first time it is
introduced into the system.
Through the Quality webpage a test suite composed by the
compiled test component is designed. The prepared real
machine is selected, indicating the location within the
machine where the component will be run. Additionally, the
input parameter value representing the relative path of the test
project binary is set. The directory containing the test
component must be copied from the server to the client
machine before execution. The test will be executed with user
permission system. Fig. 9 displays the configuration of the
test instance for this test component.
The test suite execution takes place every month. For this,
one of the schedules configured in the system was selected.
The following image shows the description of the selected
schedule. After each run, the results are mailed to the library’s
Fig. 5. Internal structure of the Quality Tool.
9 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Process for Unattended Execution of Test Components
Results obtained in the experiment
The tests run to validate the extraction of the different
formats of the library took 49 seconds. In the first test suite
execution, 42 errors were detected, especially related to the
extraction of files whose formats are less common in the
client machines. As the errors detected were solved by the
developer, the tool allows to record and report the system
progress to other specialists monthly. The recurring execution
prevents the introduction of new defects caused by the
implementation of additions or modifications, and if this were
to happen, the automated process provides a way of finding
them in a short time.
B. Pilot Project 2
This pilot project concerned a multilayer system
implemented on the .NET platform whose development was
in progress at the solution application. It is a distributed
system whose architecture consists of a web interface, two
web services, and three class libraries. The development team
includes internal, temporary internal, and external company
developers. As features were added, the developers
implemented the related unit tests, which were executed on
the workstations. Next, the process applied to this project with
the described conditions will be exposed.
In the course of Test Component Generation stage, the
Visual Studio Team Suite development tool was used for
create scripts. Those test components directly reference the
libraries provided by the Quality tool to communicate with the
system. Table 1 shows the test types enclosed on the test
components created. One component perform one or more
validation or verification actions to the system under test, e.g.
the Unit Tests script, run all unit tests of a particular system
module. For each test, component folders with its files were
created on the server. Through the Quality web interface, the
information related to these components was stored.
Fig. 6. Test Edition Page of QUALITY tool.
Fig.7. Real and Virtual Machine Association Page of QUALITY tool.
10Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Emma Torres Orue, Martha D. Delgado Dapena, Jorge Lodos Vigil, Ezequiel Sevillano Fernandez
The test environment was equipped for two physical
machines and four virtual machines. The Fig. 11 shows the
test lab established. Real Machine # 1 is intended only to hold
three virtual machines, in which test components executions
occur. Another virtual machine, fulfill the Server system role,
so the tests run on this machine focus on server functions. On
this machine the system under test web service for server was
installed. Real Machine # 2 plays a dual role, as well as
housing the Virtual Machine # 3, run tests on it directly.
Because Virtual Machines # 1, 2, 3 and the Real #2 are client
machines; the client web service of the system under test was
installed on them. The Server and Client machines
communicate each other across the local network. Real
Machine # 2 coincides with the one built in Pilot Project 1.
Therefore, it was not necessary to perform the installation
process to incorporate it into the system.
Test Types
Test Component
Unit Tests
Database Consistency Checking
Project Build
Functional Tests
Integration Tests
Web resources availability Checking
During the third phase, test scripts are grouped according
system functionalities to be verified. Table 2 summarizes the
configured tests suite or Quality Control Processes (QCP), the
component test types involved and the executions machines.
The size of a QCP is expressed as a/b, where a indicates the
Fig. 8. Quality Control Process Editing Page of QUALITY tool.
Fig. 9. Test Instance Edition Page of QUALITY tool.
11 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Process for Unattended Execution of Test Components
different test scripts implicated count and b represents the
number of times the test components are called. For example,
the QCP designed to run unit tests consists of three different
components: one for Unit Tests, others for Database
Consistency Checking and Project Building. Because the
system under test consists of 5 core modules, the QCP calls
the test scripts 15 times. Another example is the test suite to
check the client web service. In this case, there is a test
component and it is called four times, for each client machine
in the test lab.
Note that the test scripts are reused in the defined QCPs.
The same test components have been incorporated into
different QCPs to verify diverse aspects of the system under
test. This fact is evidenced in the QCPs to verify the on / off
virtual machines and to validate test execution in virtual
machines. The two test scripts present in the first process are
also included in the second, before and after the test com-
ponent responsible for running the test on the virtual machine.
It was decided to run the test components twice a week, to
perform regression testing from changes made during two or
three days. Once the configurations for executions were stored
on Quality tool, it was possible to update and redistribute the
system modules and test components among the test
environment machines. After each QCP execution, the results
are mailed to the specialists implicated. The following figure
shows a fragment of an Instance of the QCP instance run
result. The events generated by the test script can be seen.
Results obtained in the experiment
The registered time of execution of all test suites was
approximately three hours. It has been estimated that the
execution time of all test scripts performed manually takes 7
and a half hours. The possibility to perform runs outside
office hours and the presence of an isolated test lab from
developer machines saves development and test time for the
work team.
The company selected to do the pilot projects, have
followed the Scrum Agile methodology. A monthly record or
backlog of the development and test work, as well as the
defects detected, has been kept. Tasks are planned to be
completed in a similar time span, yielding a deliverable
Fig. 10. Selecting a schedule for a test suite execution by Quality tool.
Fig. 11. Test environment for the multilayer system under test.
12Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Emma Torres Orue, Martha D. Delgado Dapena, Jorge Lodos Vigil, Ezequiel Sevillano Fernandez
artifact. To complete a functionality it is necessary to perform
two or more tasks, depending on its complexity. Tasks are
classified according to the stage where they were planned:
tasks planned for each sprint during the pregame to develop
the system (base tasks) and tasks arising from any errors
detected in a previous cycle (defect tasks).
Fig. 13 illustrates the behavior of the tasks performed during
one year since March 2010. The graph contains three series,
the number of base tasks; the number of defect tasks and the
total resulting from the sum of the number of tasks of both
previous classifications. The proposed solution was applied in
the month of June. In the figure we can see how in the months
of June, July and August the number of base tasks increased
because specialists created the artifacts required in the defined
process. However, in the months of September, October and
November there was only a slight increase in the tasks
generated by the defects found after the executions of test
suites in the previous months.
Fig. 13. Graph of the tasks performed before and during insertion of the
defined process. Defect tasks are represented by diamonds; base tasks, by
circles and the total by squares.
Fig.14 shows the behavior of the work done to develop the
pilot project 6 months after that the proposed process was
introduced with Quality tool for automation. The graph shows
defect tasks have decreased heavily, because the tool helps
early detection of errors introduced during implementation.
Consequently nonconformities can be discovered and resolved
in the same sprint in which they are introduced. From
February, the system under test was in the closing stage, for
this reason the base tasks also decreased, in turn minimizing
the total number of tasks to be performed.
Fig. 14. Graph of the tasks performed 6 months after inserting the proposed
process. Defect tasks are represented by diamonds; base tasks, by circles and
the total by squares.
Another improvement provided by the proposed solution to
the software development process can be seen in the fault
detection. The number of errors found was obtained from the
backlogs in each sprint. These defects were grouped into two
categories: defects detected in functionalities planned in the
current sprint (new defects) and failures identified in the
current cycle that correspond to functionalities that are
considered done in previous cycles (old defects). Fig. 15
describes the conduct of this variable at the same interval of
Fig. 12. Quality report at QCP Instance run finished.
13 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Process for Unattended Execution of Test Components
Fig. 13 which represents the period before and during
implantation of the proposed solution.
Fig. 15. Graph with the monthly number of defects detected before and during
insertion of the proposed process. New defects are represented by diamonds
and old defects, by circles.
Above it can be seen that in July, a month after start the
solution implantation the system detected an increasing
number of defects. However in August few new flaws were
found, because the specialists were involved in resolving
problems encountered in July, as is outlined in the Fig. 13. In
September continues detecting errors due to the creation of
new test components. The faults exposed at this stage should
have been detected months before the application process. In
Fig. 16 can be observed the lines of nonconformities found 6
months after the introduction of the proposed process. At this
stage we can see that the number of defects found in features
implemented in the current cycle is greater than the number of
faults discovered in functionality delivered at earlier sprints.
Fig. 16. Graph with monthly the number of defects detected after inserting
the proposed process. New defects are represented by diamonds and old
defects, by circles.
The most frequent found errors are: Access denied to data;
unmanaged exceptions and absent of errors logs, problems
with web resources availability, multithreads synchronization
issues and timeout expiration. As the errors were detected and
solved by developers, unattended executing allows the store
and report to stakeholders of the run test results twice a week.
This paper has detailed a process to standardize the
unattended test execution in organizations that develop
software product lines. Three stages are defined: Test
Quality Control Process
Test Types Components
Execution Machine
Unit Testing
Unit Tests
Virtual Machine 1, 2
Database Consistency Checking
Project Build
Client Web Service Checking
Web Resources
Availability Checking
Virtual Machines 1, 2, 3,
Real Machine 2
Virtual Machines Replication
Integration Tests
Real Machine 2
Machines Edition
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 1
Relocate Tests
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 1, 2
Integration Tests
Timeout expires
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 3
Test Edition
Functional Tests
Machine Real 2
Test Parameters Edition
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 2
Process Edition
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 1, 2, Real Machine 2
Report Generation
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 1
On / off Virtual Machines
Integration Tests
Real Machine 2
Test run on Virtual Machines
Integration Tests
Virtual Machine 1
Other operations on virtual machines
Integration Tests
Real Machine 2
Access Permissions
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 1, Real Machine 2
Users Management
Functional Tests
Virtual Machine 1
14Polibits (49) 2014 ISSN 1870-9044
Emma Torres Orue, Martha D. Delgado Dapena, Jorge Lodos Vigil, Ezequiel Sevillano Fernandez
Components Generation, Test Environments Creation and
Test Execution and Collecting Results. The processes
comprise the registration and control of test environments,
including machine virtualization. A tool to support the process
described has been implemented. This application facilitates
the artifacts generation and allows the unattended execution of
test components.
The proposed solution adopts the reusability approach
proclaimed by the engineering of software product lines. It
also promotes the standardization for the test execution of the
variations. The process application has reduced the
development and testing time, also has provided
improvements to the detection of defects in a software
This work was supported in part by the Software Security
Enterprise, Segurmatica, and the Informatics Studies and
Systems Center at the Polytechnic Institute José Antonio
Echevarría.” The authors want to thank all workers of the
company who participated in the implementation of the
proposed solution. We also are very grateful to Heydi Mendez
and Annette Morales for their help with translating this paper.
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15 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Process for Unattended Execution of Test Components