Components Generation, Test Environments Creation and
Test Execution and Collecting Results. The processes
comprise the registration and control of test environments,
including machine virtualization. A tool to support the process
described has been implemented. This application facilitates
the artifacts generation and allows the unattended execution of
test components.
The proposed solution adopts the reusability approach
proclaimed by the engineering of software product lines. It
also promotes the standardization for the test execution of the
variations. The process application has reduced the
development and testing time, also has provided
improvements to the detection of defects in a software
This work was supported in part by the Software Security
Enterprise, Segurmatica, and the Informatics Studies and
Systems Center at the Polytechnic Institute “José Antonio
Echevarría.” The authors want to thank all workers of the
company who participated in the implementation of the
proposed solution. We also are very grateful to Heydi Mendez
and Annette Morales for their help with translating this paper.
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15 Polibits (49) 2014ISSN 1870-9044
Process for Unattended Execution of Test Components